Monday, June 19, 2017

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates. The property consists of six housing estates that testify to innovative housing policies from 1910 to 1933, especially during the Weimar Republic, when the city of Berlin was particularly progressive socially, politically and culturally. The property is an outstanding example of the building reform movement that contributed to improving housing and living conditions for people with low incomes through novel approaches to town planning, architecture and garden design. The estates also provide exceptional examples of new urban and architectural typologies, featuring fresh design solutions, as well as technical and aesthetic innovations. Bruno Taut, Martin Wagner and Walter Gropius were among the leading architects of these projects which exercised considerable influence on the development of housing around the world.

The "Berlin Modernism Housing Estates" represent low income housing architecture from the early 20th century.

Bruno Taut, Martin Wagner and Walter Gropius were among the leading architects of these projects which exercised considerable influence on the development of housing around the world.

The six included estates are:

- Tuschkastensiedlung Falkenberg, 1913-16, by Bruno Taut

- Wohnstadt Carl Legien in Prenzlauer Berg, 1928-30, by Bruno Taut

- Ringsiedlung in Siemensstadt,1929-34, by Hans Scharoun and Martin Wagner

- Hufeisensiedlung Britz, 1925-30, by Bruno Taut

- Siedlung Schillerpark im Wedding, 1924-30, by Bruno Taut

- Weiße Stadt in Reinickendorf, 1929-31, by Otto Rudolf Salivsberg and Martin Wagner

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